How can I help?

Donate your time, your treasure and/or your talents in any of the programs listed below.

You can donate your time thru one of the 3 programs as a volunteer OR assist in one or more of our fundraising efforts.  As new programs become more crystallized, volunteer opportunities will abound.

You can also donate treasures by donating money, securing grants, obtaining matching funds from an employer, and by vocalizing your support for Love Thy Neighbor to your friends, family and colleagues and encouraging them to donate their time, treasure and talent.

You can donate your talent by speaking with the Director about specific skills you might have that would benefit Love Thy Neighbor in areas such as marketing, fundraising, web design, community organization and others.

Please consider donating your time, talent and/or treasure to us, you will be handsomely rewarded by your generosity.

Supporting Individuals and families in need of Food and Clothing